
We made it! It’s Friday. We got through a whole week of distance learning. We didn’t make it out unscathed, but we got through it and we’re still speaking to each other. 😜

I was able to show Squirrel Girl an email from her teacher that said what I’d been trying to to tell her all along. She’s doing more than most and should not be so hard on herself. It helped her attitude, that’s for sure. But didn’t really speed up her pace.

Monkey Boy, on the other hand, had a rough day. He felt frustrated and had a couple of meltdowns when he didn’t understand the directions for an assignment. I’ve noticed with him that if he doesn’t know something instantly, he beats himself up become he thinks he should know everything. I was not able to keep my cool when he yelled at me as I tried to help him understand, unfortunately. Thankfully, Nathan talked with him and helped him to see that it’s hard to give/receive instructions when you’re not face to face. It doesn’t help that he doesn’t know how to ask his questions in a way that his teacher understands. Hopefully this experience will improve all of our written communication skills.

At “recess” we went down the street to write messages for a friend and also down by the bridge to the park. Along the way we ran into (at a safe distance) one of the pastors of our church! We talked from across the street as we all walked towards the park.

At the park, MB wanted to shoot some hoops while SG and I drew our artwork. Unfortunately, he got the ball stuck again and there were no lawn guys around to save it. So Monkey Boy did what monkeys do best. He climbed.

Shoes and socks off for better grip
This mama was getting super nervous!
Especially when he kicked the ball down! 😮

I really don’t like those basketball hoops!

Right as we were finishing our school day, I got a phone call telling me to have the kids look out the window. And there on our sidewalk was MB’s best friend from school! He had brought his puppy (whom we adore) to see us. It was so hard not to open the door and snuggle with her!

🥰 Oreo 🥰

And then our friend attacked our sidewalk with more chalk! 💕

I loved getting to see them, even if it was through the glass door. But as MB said, it made us miss them even more!

After that visit, we FaceTimed other friends and MB and SG used Messenger Kids to talk to even more friends. I know they’ve needed social interaction and they really haven’t had any this week. I’m hoping to fix that somehow.

For our family time, it was SG’s turn to pick. She decided she wanted to watch Frozen and eat Chinese food. So that’s what we did. And when it was over, it was time to get ready for bed. But before heading that way, we had a cuddle party! 🥰 They’ve both been very snuggly lately. I know their emotions are all over the place and they need extra hugs and reassurance.

I’ve noticed that Monkey Boy has been focusing on the negative quiet a bit lately, so I told him to think of all the things that were good about the day. Slowly but surely, he started to find some positive. I think we are going to have to start doing this every night.

I’m looking forward to a bit of a relief from the weekend!

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