Daily Archives: April 14, 2008

W Day 1- Death Trap

Yesterday was our first full day of taking care of W alone. Saturday doesn’t really count, since we were in the care the majority of the day. And I’ve learned something very important: While our house may be a wonderful playground for us, it’s a death-trap for babies…

Within minutes of arriving, W found every exposed wire, every small item that wasn’t strapped down, and every dog hair that wasn’t on the dogs (I swear I vacuumed!!!). As he crawled and toddled around the living room, I ran behind him picking things up, putting things out of reach, and generally chastising myself for thinking I’d “baby proofed” by simply adding plug covers and cabinet latches. Then the worst happened. Well, maybe not the worst but it sure made me feel bad…

W was having a grand ol’ time looking out the living room window when he turned to look back and me sitting on the couch. He grinned his adorable grin, then toddled over to the folding chair that happened to be sitting next to the TV tray acting as my end table… Yes, this was already spelling disaster. He’s been going to Baby Gym, so he’s rather into climbing and pulling up on things. Everything went in slow motion as I watched him reach for the top rung of the chair and pull up, causing the chair to begin to tilt backwards. As quickly as I was trying to move, it was not fast enough. W fell backwards with the chair, the back of his head bouncing off of the carpeted floor and the heavy chair rung bouncing off of his forehead. 😦 Immediate crying ensued, from both W and myself.

I was able to sooth him after only a few minutes, but I could already see a red bump appearing on his little forehead. I felt SO awful. At this point I think we’ve moved most of the dangerous items from his reach, but who knows what he’ll discover next. I just hope the bump is gone by the time he sees his mother again. Or I might never get to keep him again!

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